Gunawan Jusuf

If there is one thing Gunawan Jusuf knows, however is that natural resources represent key elements to his business and many others. It was the impetus foe Gunawan Jusuf to write and publish “Blue Gold,” a book that demonstrates the problems the entire world faces with regard to water, which is essential to life and business, even though it is relatively scarce. That makes water such a valuable and important commodity and he would like us to do better at conserving water as a resource.

During his time as CEO of the Sugar Group Companies, Gunawan Jusuf has worked hard to drive tremendous growth among many of the most popular sugar products in Indonesia, not the least of which is Gulaku, one of the best-known brand names in Indonesia, which applies to premium refined sugar product. That’s not the only product, however, as he also has overseen the development and growth of many products. Obviously, water is very important to Gunawan Jusuf as the CEO of a collection of Indonesia-based companies that grow and refine sugar, which explains his concern.